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Any of us could list generic reasons to keep living if we sat down and tried. Parents, friends, children, aspirations, all the good food we’d miss… there are always reasons to live. But somehow that doesn’t help when you’re ready to deny them all.

The issue is that when you’re suicidal, you are often going through struggles that make the good things seem tiny. There aren’t big enough rewards for the deep pain you’re feeling. Or, you’re feeling so worthless, that you think the world would be better off without you (spoiler alert: it won’t be).


Maybe you’re feeling like you screw everything up for everyone. Perhaps you just lost your last friend and have nobody left to turn to. You might be stuck in an abusive relationship. Or maybe you feel so alone and broken that nobody could possibly understand.

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Those are all real reasons that make life feel daunting and impossible. And it’s ok to feel this way – you’re not broken for feeling like life is harder than it’s worth right now. But we are in the right now, and who knows what could happen tomorrow or 20 years from now to make all the pain worth it.

To answer the understandable but temporary feeling that life isn’t worth it, here are some down to earth reasons to keep living, even if you may not want to right now.

Those suffering from depression often feel tired of life. “What’s even the point?” they ask. They’re not out of line — life is relentlessly tiring. Work, school, and even daily chores can become a mentally draining routine.

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But instead of filling the void with positive fluff, ask yourself a point-blank question: “Do you really want to die? Or do you want a break from your life?”

So many of us (understandably) romanticize death as a sweet release from fatigue, rejection, pain, and suffering. But we forget that death is also a release from the small things that make us happy. Good food, hanging out with friends, petting a dog — doesn’t even have to be your dog. 

Some of us just really want a long nap, without responsibilities hanging over our heads. We’ll never get that long nap, but ending our lives won’t help anything. There are much better ways to seek relief from pain and stress.

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Whatever suffering you’re going through — it doesn’t vanish when you’re gone. You may not experience the problems anymore, but those around you will. Your family or friends will need to plan your funeral, make sense of your finances, and cope with the emotional burden of your death. 

There are people that need you: your pet, your parent, your friend, or even someone you’ve yet to meet. Leaving will affect their lives, probably in a traumatic way. 

And on the flip side, you might want your family to blame themselves. That makes sense! If you want to show your family how little they value you, or want to make them hurt, that’s perfectly

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Find a ‘chosen family, ’ tell your folks that they don’t deserve to have you, escape with the help of one of these services, but do not kill yourself. If for no other reason: you won’t be able to see the pain you’ve inflicted.

The nature of life is ever-changing. While you may feel like you have been and always will be suffering, you won’t. No matter how long it takes, the winds and weather shift. 

Sometimes it does get more difficult, not going to lie to you. But happiness is not linear, it dips up and down. You may feel like your sadness is neverending, but it’s not. Why keep living? Because, like everyone will tell you, it gets better. 

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Someone or something failed you at one point in your life. Family, friends, the mental health system… Maybe someone told you to suck it up, to just look on the brighter side, or to stop being a downer — like it actually worked that way. *insert eyeroll here*


Harness your spite – don’t let them win. Prove them wrong and become stronger than they ever thought you could. Show them that they don’t really know you, and you’re resilient to their toxic behavior. Find the reasons that make you want to keep living, to help others do the same.

Keep living for your dream trip to Bali. Keep living to try escargot without puking. Keep living to see yourself strong, healthy, and happy. 

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There are too many places you haven’t seen. Too many things you haven’t tried. Too many like-minded people out there you haven’t met yet. 

Keep living to find out who you can become from here. You can be so much more than what you’re struggling with now – take it from people who have been there, or talk to them now.

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Reasons Why You Should Learn A Musical Instrument

We use cookies to ensure you have a great experience on our website. Your use of the site indicates acceptance of our privacy policy.OkPrivacy PolicyStress is an issue facing many individuals that we work with. Time and time again, we see people feeling overwhelmed because of the pressures that they face as part of modern life. So what are some common causes of stress in modern life, and what's the antidote? Read on to find out more.

Technology is wonderful – we can connect with people far away, in different time zones, and have an insight into their lives simply by sitting passively behind our smartphone. It helps us to feel connected, right?


The answer, of course, isn’t as simple as that. With improvements in technology we’re typically tethered to our phones as work emails pile up. We’re also constantly connected via social media, which has its upside and its downside (see this article on The Tyranny of Constant Contact).

Reasons People Resist Change And What We Can Do About It

Nowadays there’s a niche for everything (and Facebook and Instagram can attest to that), and it's as if we have to 'fit' into a niche:

. Witness the rise of the superman or superwoman, yet in reality it isn't possible to simultaneously excel at work and home life, to travel the world yet nurture your work, to be creative and fit all at the same time.

The pressure to maintain an image of perfection is surely exhausting. And yet, that’s what many of us buy into. If this sounds like you, it's helpful to ask yourself if you're heading towards burnoutand what impact it has on your quality of life.

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Along with trying to do too much there’s a shortage of prioritising, leading to feeling pulled in different directions in life without a real focus, goal, or purpose. This can result in feeling a lack of achievement or accomplishment and this, together with a heightened workload, is a recipe for burnout.

Stress is an inevitable part of a busy, modern life. Unfortunately, as most of us are time-poor, stress-release mechanisms frequently tend to be poor (e.g. drinking alcohol, having a shot of caffeine or sugar, eating fatty comfort foods), or infrequent (e.g. going for a long run once a week, going for a relaxing massage once every three weeks).

However, we need to be on top of our game when it comes to our basic building blocks if we’re to combat stress, or our health will itself reinforce the stress that we experience.


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Air pollution, noise pollution, visual pollution…everywhere we turn there’s a constant source of stimulation and not necessarily in a positive way. From being constantly connected (see Point 1, and also this article on Why the Modern World is Bad for your Brain) to air pollution affecting our wellbeing, and noise pollution affecting our ability to hear ourselves think…it’s not surprising that we readily become stressed.

If you're a student feeling stressed, why not check out our online online study and exam preparation course? We cover how to manage your studies from an academic, physical, and psychological approach.

Short of going off the grid, there are some things that we can do to help the stress of modern life. Here are 3 quick tips:

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What difference would it make to your stress levels if you didn’t try to be everything to everyone? Would you feel less stressed trying to meet your own (and others’) expectations? Would this create some breathing space for you? What impact would that have on your overall wellbeing?

Take a step back. Why are you trying to be everything to everyone? Is it because you think that's what's expected of you? Or is it an attempt to avoid conflict and avoid being seen to be selfish? Or is it to look 'impressive' and perfect to the outside world? Think carefully about how your motivation for trying to be everything to everyone is actually serving you. If the problem is perfectionism, take a closer look at this article.

Occasionally – just occasionally - unplug for a bit. There is

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